South Manchester Slot Racing Club
Classic and Clubman - S F Edge
Spirit of the class
Edwardian Racers that proved to be a handful in real life at Goodwood and on a slot car track.
George Turner Hard body of a typical Edwardian car, body must be solidly fitted to the chassis in such a way as to truly represent car, it cannot appear to be lowered to chassis.
Other period resin bodies only upon application.
Fixings should be as designed by George Turner; Tape may only be used for emergency repairs to hold body to chassis. All body fixings must be securely fixed to prevent loosening/dropping off during racing.
All cars must be finished in a style sympathetic to the period being represented and carry at least two racing numbers.
All cars must have clear windscreens etc. fitted where they appear on the prototype.
Vacuum formed windscreens etc. are permitted.
All cars must have a suitably decorated and period correct, 3 dimensional, representation of a driver as provided by the George Turner consisting of at least a head, shoulders, arms, hands and the upper part of a steering wheel.
Resin chassis appropriate to the original kit manufacturer ( George Turner)
Wheelbase set by the standard chassis
Ground clearance:
Set by standard wheels and tyres.
Sloting plus universal standard guide RKS (Ref: SP101001)
Only Scalextric S silver can 18k motor may be used. Motors may be subject to random rpm testing at any time and any motors that, in the opinion of the scrutineers, do not appear to be an 18k motor will have to be changed before the car can be raced.
Motor alignment:
In-Line only.
Front wheels and tyres:
Front wheels - as supplied in original kit
Glue & True tyres – Yes but minimal
Coated Front Tyres -Yes but only to reduce grip.
Rear wheels and tyres:
Rear wheels - as supplied in original kit
Glue & True tyres – yes but minimal
Axels - Free Choice
Gears - -
Magnet - No
Ballast - Free Choice
Eligible Manufacturer - George Turner
Livery - It is essential that the car runs in an authentic livery from the period
Other - All Club Standard Rules also apply, please note particularly the rule about 3 in 1 oil being the only permitted tyre additive and that tyres must be dry when the car is presented at the start line
Track Voltage - will be set at 10 volts for all lanes